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My Website - www.urbanwrist.com

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Hey Guys,

My name is Joe V. and I recently launched my website www.urbanwrist.com

It's been up for three months now and I have all my leather wristbands available for sale.

Please visit my site and let me know what you think.

I upload a new leather bracelet every week.

Thanks, -J

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Nice looking bracelets. I checked out your website and it looks nice, not to cluttered. I don't want to sound like a snooty *&%^ but you should have someone check your website for grammatical errors. Some words need an S on the end and some need an S taken off. Of course this is just my 2 cents and I'm no English major. Good luck with the new website and keep showing off those wicked arm bands!


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Joe, I have to agree with Murse. I was an English major in college, but I try not to correct others in their speech and/or writings. However, when one is in business, proper use of the language is necessary for 1) communication, and, 2) for legitimacy.

Communication needs no clarification, but...

Legitimacy is that quality that allows people to trust in purchasing from you, simply because of how you speak & how you write & how you express yourself.

If you sound like you just got off the boat or just left the swamp or just got out of the ghetto, people are very much less likely to become purchasers of your products, just because they don't feel you have that quality of trust to give you money.

"Iffn ya kain't speek ore rite reall gud, hain't no won gonna giv yoo there kredit cardz, kauz yoo gots knoww legitimacee azz a bizzness men, U no...".

Please don't take this the wrong way. I don't mean to offend, but most computers come with a spell check function that can be used quickly to clean up many (but not all) language errors.

Edited by whinewine

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