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bex DK

Edge/decorative Lacing With Rawhide

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I have two books that include directions for a variety of lacing patterns, but neither discusses using rawhide as the lace. I know that for braiding the rawhide is usually worked wet and maybe even soaped, but I'm not planning to braid it.

I am used to working with regular leather lace and glueing splices. But rawhide is totally new to me. I have a request for it as edge lacing on a leather belt buckle (my husband) and I'm toying with some ideas for using it for decorative applique lacing. Have a purchased breast collar with that that we really like and I'd love to be able to make some stuff with it myself.

Attempts to find answers searching the forums and with google haven't been successful. I am mostly just finding sources for the lace or info about cutting and prepping rawhide lace for braiding. I'm not ready for that yet.

I use two-prong flat lacing needles normally. Skive it a little thinner and cut on an angle to put the needle on. Can I do that with rawhide?

Thanks for any advice you can give me. It can get quite expensive (and frustrating) if I have to work it out by experimenting.



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Prep your rawhide just like you were going to braid with it. Put it in luke warm water for ten or fifteen minutes wipe off the excess and put it in a plastic bag for at least 2 hours. I like to saddle soap it then put it back in the bag for another hour or two. It should just be soft enough to be pliable. Don't get it too wet or it will shrink too much after it dries. The lacing needles will work just fine.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks. It is especially helps to have specific prep directions, since I only knew generally what was done. Now I just have to finish coloring that project so I can put it together. First must make the man finish deciding what colors he wants....

My lace is tandy rawhide lace, so probably not top quality, but hopefully it'll do. Then I can look into better stuff if I like the results.

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