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Hi, I am new to forum, and am very impressed with some of the work I have seen on here.

I came across this site looking for info on B.B. Dellis. I have a saddle that was made by him. I am looking to possibly sell it since it does

not fit me anymore, and just wanted more info on it. As I can guess it was made in the 1970's or so. I have owned it since I was an early teen (now in early 30's).

I will post pictures soon, but was curious if anyone would be able to tell me what it would be worth or what I should ask for it.

I will try and post pics this afternoon.

It is what I guess I would call a Ranch saddle, with a narrow gullet, 14" seat and is in good shape except for the stirrups. The stirrups are not original to the saddle.

Thank you,

Linnea Frenzel

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I have taken a few pictures of the saddle. Other than normal wear and a couple nicks it is in good shape. Pardon me for not knowing correct terms, but the "strap" that would hold on a lairiat is ripped, however with a screw being the attachment, itwould be easily fixed. The stirrups like I said are not original to the saddle, But all the rest in in great shape.

Lots of nice tooling and detail on this saddle, as well as the sheep skin is in great shape.

Any and all help on what a fair asking price would be, or the year it was possibly made would be great.

Thank you,


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I have now been told that the fenders and skirt look to be replacements. I really do not know. Isn't it the "fender" that has the stamp on it though??


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After a quick look at your photos, the fenders and wearleathers on the skirts appear to be replacements. The fenders have been stamped with the maker mark which is not all that uncommon on a large repair job. The saddle looks to to be a lot older than the 70s by the way it is made. There might be another maker name somewhere else on the saddle if it is a shop made saddle. In the 40s and 50s this style saddle was not uncommon, and many production saddles were made similar to it. Unfortunately many had no name on them. Of course the original makers mark could have been on the replaced fenders also. As for value its worth all you can get for it!!!!!! Hope this helps some.

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Thanks for your help.

Don't know how you know those pieces were replaced, but I believe you. A little disappointing, but just the way it is.

May be worth hanging on to just because I assume I would not get more than $100 or so in todays market.

THanks for all your help, and if anything, it was fun finding out about BB Dellis!

I will look a little more carefully for a stamp elsewhere on the saddle. I have never noticed one even when cleaning, so assume there is not one.


  • 1 month later...
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I agree that the stirrup leathers and fenders have been replaced. I recently sold a saddle very similar to yours for $250.00. The market is really crumby right now. I would date the saddle from the 1940's. Just a saddle guys opinion.........

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