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Here is a commisioned project I finished up last week in time for X-mas. As always, there are things I'd do different, or wish I knew how to do better, but critique away please. All input is welcome. Merry Christmas guys and gals.

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Merry Christmas to you too.

You say there are things you would do differently . . . . What are they ? ? ? We are always our toughest critics.

Very nice overall project, I like it a lot. Nice contrast with the darker spine, the concho’s are a nice addition instead of just using Chicago screws or rivets, your tooling looks nice, sewing looks good and the inside cover work is nice and clean.

You have to look hard to notice anything that could be changed, and at that it would just be personal taste. If I had to comment on anything I think (maybe ?) your geometric border stamping could have gone all around instead of stopping at the double bevel at the spine. And perhaps the addition of a smaller acorn and leaf similar to the front cover corner placed on the inside flap where you have the geo stamping. But both of these things are really stretching it; it is fine just as it is. But I always find myself “what if-ing” myself on everything I make.

Keep it fun !

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Thank you Merlin, you were right on the nose about the border going all the way around. It was part of my original drawing, then, thinking it would be less cluttered I changed it. And refining the interior is something I want to get better at. Your sugestion for some carving, is somethig I may incorporate on the next one. The customer was happy though, so I guess thats what counts.

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