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Shooter McGavin

My Newest Holster

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Just finished this one up today. Stitch lines are getting better as is my edge finishing. Neither are perfect yet, but I'm happy with my improvement so far and know it will only get better.

Also got my "maker stamp" in yesterday and put it to use right away.

Enjoy, critique, comment, discuss. Thanks!

( I'm not using this websites hosting service, I hope thats OK )










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Wow those edges really are sharp. I really like the mag/light holster... nice work!!


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Wow those edges really are sharp. I really like the mag/light holster... nice work!!


Thank you,

I want to call it the

Glock Mag Maglite Light holster lol

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Thank you,

I want to call it the

Glock Mag Maglite Light holster lol

I recommend against any product name or terminology that cannot be clearly pronounced and enunciated while chewing a mouthful of mashed potatoes and drinking beer simultaneously. Just too many chances of messing up a syllable here or there, probably involving my nasal cavities.

Nice work!

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I recommend against any product name or terminology that cannot be clearly pronounced and enunciated while chewing a mouthful of mashed potatoes and drinking beer simultaneously. Just too many chances of messing up a syllable here or there, probably involving my nasal cavities.

Nice work!

Thanks Lobo. mashed potatoes and beer, why wasnt I invited? If theres anything us Irish enjoy more than beer and p otatoes, I dont know what it is!

Got your package today as well, cant wait to give it a try. Thank you very much for that!

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I love the DETAIL of the molding!

What's your secret?

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Thanks for the comments !

BConklin: I spent some time reading the burnishing tutorial thread, lots of good info in there, certainly worth the time to read through it. I did it all by hand with a wooden stick since I dont own a dremel or a drill press. I did use some sandpaper on it prior to burnishing which seems to have had a great amount of influence on the final product.

Big O: Rub and Rub and Rub until your elbow hurts, then do it some more. I used only a horn creaser and the same wood slicker I used to finish the edges. Actually that 9 dollar wood slicker from Tandy has proved itself quite useful.

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Shooter, awesome work! You have inspired me on the "Glock Mag Maglite Light holster lol". Daily (for work) I carry a SOG multi-tool, and Streamlight Strion. The stock holders I wear now are not long for this world=)

I just finished a holster for my 3" Kimber, I will post it up.

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