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I saw another post about using Renaissance wax over acrylic finish, either Super Sheen or Resolene, for a soft shine and supple, not plastic, feeling while preserving moisture protection that acrylic finishes provide. And about using the neutral Kiwi shoe polish over Resolene finished holsters.

How this this affects the original finish in a long run?


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I saw another post about using Renaissance wax over acrylic finish, either Super Sheen or Resolene, for a soft shine and supple, not plastic, feeling while preserving moisture protection that acrylic finishes provide. And about using the neutral Kiwi shoe polish over Resolene finished holsters.

How this this affects the original finish in a long run?


Ellen, I'm no expert, but I have made holsters for over 40 years now. I use only Fiebing's pro Oil dye, followed by Fiebing's Leather Sheen, then Kiwi neutral wax. I spray on my dye as well as the Leather Sheen with an air brush. I warm the leather prior to shooting the acrylic so that it dries almost immediately (actually penetrates then dries). I only shoot my holsters twice.......two light, quick coats.......much more and the stuff tends to build up and a 'plastic' appearance begins to rear it's ugly head. After everything is completely dry I rub in the wax by hand...(by two fingers, actually) no applicator or rag, and in small quantity. The hand rubbing seems to create a small bit of heat that allows the wax to penetrate slightly rather than build up. I then buff with a soft cloth. I know of some of my holsters are still in use after 30 years, and still look pretty good. Here is a pic of a knife sheath I did this way for myself. I did it in 1979, and I have not refinished in any way. Mike


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This is the best what could be possibly said about it, thank you very much!

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