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Just wondering can anyone tell me what the difference is between rough out and normal spirit dye is, reason is I bought some double shoulders the other day and three quarters of them are really nice but the other quarter is quite marked and as I wanted to make some rough out things anyway I thought I may as well use that quarter for it. But as I haven't made rough out things before I'm not sure as to why there seems to be dyes for that purpose is the rough out dye thicker, thinner or does normal spirit dye dry that side out more.

I've looked at the Fiebings and Angelus websites and haven't been able to find out what the difference seems to be so if anyone can help with an explanation it would be most appreciated.




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I've never heard of rough out dye. If i had something to dye that was rough out i'd use what i always use. Regular dye.

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Thanks dirtclod thats good to hear, I've done some more searching and still can't find out what the difference is.

Though I did across some pics of dye bottles where some said suede/rough out so perhaps the dye I came across is used more for suede.



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