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I wanted a magazine pouch similar to the PMC by Pocket Concealment Systems. I also wanted an IWB magazine pouch, but don't like to put a metal belt clip on something so narrow/tall. So, I compromised and came up with one that will do both.

Before this, I made a couple of belt keepers for keys, a bracelet for my son, an overly simple belt pouch straight out of a Stohlman book, and a couple of speedloader pouches. I'm still very new to leather work, but find it very satisfying and fun. This is my first attempt at forming leather.

I'd sincerely appreciate a critical eye and some suggestions/critique. Don't spare the rod, I have tough skin and am eager to improve. My eye notices the mars on the surface the most and the fact that the straps were made from scraps and need to be replaced. What do you see?


IWB/Pocket mag pouch


Side of IWB/pocket mag pouch


removeable belts straps by Kevin Durham, on Flickr

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I see a fine looking piece, excellent forming. My only question is how do you like the fit? It looks like it may be kinda high off the belt line.

I was wondering it would work better if you attached the upper snap assembly to the holster with a t-nut, then snap to it. It would lower the pouch into your waist band more. But that's a matter of preference I guess.

Otherwise, I say it's a really good job.

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Agreed on both counts. Excellent forming, but how is the comfort and stability riding up that high? I would make the loop attachment points the same as the snap point. You can raise the wings up a hair too to help.

Put a bit more of a corner on the upper outside edges of your wings to. This will help as a pocket carrier. They will act as "hooks" grabbing the inside of the pocket so it does not come out with the mag.

For an IWB mag carrier, you may want to try making a shield on the back that goes up to the top of the mag to prevent it from digging in. That may impede the grip while pocket carrying but I think the trade off for IWB comfort would outweigh it.

If you flatten out the bottom some it will help stabilize it in the pocket too.

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Edited by BigRiverLeather

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I carried it in my front pocket enough to be sure it rides okay and stays in when I pull the mag. It's not awful, but the shape could be a lot better, though.

I'll test it IWB this weekend to see if it holds up as an IWB pouch. Having some issues to look for will help me be more critical and realistic, thanks guys. I suspect it will try to roll over the top of my belt and pop out when I sit down.

I think several of the issues you guys noticed are a result of me trying to make a dual-puorpose pouch. It can't really be long enough to ride low and still fit in my pocket and it can't have the optimal shape for pocket carry and still work right as an IWB. Even if it works okay, I'm gonna make another IWB mag pouch next and follow your advice.

BTW...can you both elaborate on how I get back to back snaps at the same attachment point (what holds them together) and how the t-nut suggestion would work?

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Forming, stitching, and finish work all look very nice. The issue of ride height when carried IWB has been covered already, and BigRiverLeather's point about a shield is well taken for IWB-carry.

A small point, but perhaps important, is the orientation of the magazine in the carrier. A right-handed shooter will usually want the magazine oriented with the bullets pointing forward, allowing a natural grasp and motion for reloading with the left hand. As made, your pouch would function correctly for a left-handed shooter.

Best regards.

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Thanks for the kind words about the forming and all. Like I said, this is my first try at forming. It wasn't as bad as I thought. I used someone's suggestion about a chapstick tube and a sharpie as forming tools, since I don't have a bone creaser.

I didn't even notice that I made the darn thing backwards until you mentioned it Lobo. Good catch, BTW. The worst part is that I know better too. I just laid the mag down backwards when I formed it and didn't think about it. I won't make that mistake next time, thanks for pointing it out.

'Too short for IWB' is a HUGE understatement. I tried it on yesterday and it won't even stay put long enough to even try sitting down. In fact, with the snaps fastened around my belt there's only 1.5" to 2" of mag behind the belt. Good catch guys.

As much as I hate the wasted time put into this piece, I learned some valueable lessons and about forming, edge burnishing, the importance of thinking more about design, and that I can make straight stitches if I slow down and try hard (even though I don't have a stitching pony or a machine :( ).

Edited by BigK

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