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Pete the dv8

Singer 29K15

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Gday my name is Pete

I was given a singer 29k15 yesterday and started doing some research on google

I was led to this Leatherwork forum by the google search and actually found a manuel for the use of it

After being out of the craft for a number of years ( sold all my tools 25 years ago ) im enjoying again being able to do some belts and custom plaques etc again ,

ive set up a buisness run on facebook dv8 leather so i can retail some stuff were doing , its very hard in australia finding good quality tools , seems the chinese have taken over production and dropped some great stuff tandy had years ago

Ive found on ebay already alot of the stuff i need ( its cost me 5x as much now to replace what i sold ) , just wanted to share my appreciation a bit

really glad of the info i was able to obtain on this machine as well



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