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Bit Connector For Paracord Reins

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as I know that paracord braided reins and bridles are almost unbreakable I have been thinking about the best posibility to connect reins/mecates to the bit.

Would you think a leather water strap is breakable enough to avoid injuries to the horse in case of an accident? The same with slobber straps? What about romal reins made of rawhide, are these usually very strong or would they break away in case of stepping on the rein of similar? What are your experiences regarding this aspect? What gives actually the strenght go the paracord string, the core? So If I take the core out the paracord will loose strenght and break much easier? Maybe a connector made of a simple coreless braid of 3 or 4 strings would be fine?

Many questions. Sorry for that.:rolleyes2:

Edited by Angie
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Paracord is still extremely strong even with the core removed. If you were making a paracord mecate, and wanted to attach it to say a ring snaffle, you would have to use something similar to slobber straps to attach it properly. Usually they are made with pretty sturdy leather, but mecates arent intended to be taken off the horses neck unless the entire bridle is taken off. So, what that means is that you should never be leading a horse with the rein portion of a mecate, but rather the get down portion that is typically tucked in your belt. So, as long as you keep good hold of your get down, they should never have a chance to step on the rein portion or any part of the mecate. Romal reins should also never be taken off, taken over the horses head, or used to lead the horse in any fashion. So, if you arent taking them over the horses head to lead them, they can never step on them as they should be around the horses neck. Because of that, most people dont usually worry about how thick their connectors are since the horse will also never be tied with a set of romal reins. If you can pull hard enough on a set of reins to break even a latigo keeper, you are pulling WAY too hard lol.

Hope that helps,


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Thank you both for your helpful suggestions.:cowboy:

Megabit, I really like your reins. Great work. The connectors are exactly what I'm looking for. Now I just have to find out how to produce something similar but without rawhide.

CW: You're right, usually a horse should not step on the reins, the rider has to take care of that. But what when the rider is bucked off or the horse stumbles and falls or other unusual situations. I'm german. I use to try to prevent always the worst case situation:rolleyes2:

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Instead of the rawhide button you can make a rolled leather button.

CW - I think the most likely way someone could get in trouble with romals would be a) the reins got caught on something solid B) the romal ends up not over the horn and hangs down far enough for the horse to step on it. You are correct though that neither of those should be likely if you are paying attention. Man I had to see people drag there horse around by the mouth. My reins never go over my caballo's head as I take them off the chains before I take off the bridle. :)


  • 2 weeks later...
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When I braid paracord reins, I start with a button then round braid for a couple inches to a to a flat braid which I then braid in a slit big enough for the button to go through then return to the flat braid. ( Clear as mud?) You can use this for split or roping type reins. These are 6 plait reins, by the way. Hope this gives you another idea.

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