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Hi folks,

I have a question about the correct way to apply any acrylic finishes (Super/Satin Shene or Resolene) on top of EcoFlo Hiliter.

I put hiliter as prescribed, wiped all the excesses, gave it to sit/dry overnight, buffed, ensured there are no residues on the fabrics.

Then appled any of abovementioned finishes and.... I see some (and sometimes actually alot) of hiliter picking up onto the sponge/wool/dauber etc ... :censored2:

Well , I tried sprayer. I sprayed 2 thin coats and gave them dry for about 30 minutes after each application. Then went for couple of final coats with the same applicatiors and... I see even while putting a first layer with sponge , the hiliter starts take off and picked onto the sponge! :ranting2:

Is there any ways to put finishes with no such problem rather than using the sprayer for all the coats ?

May be I should wait more and let dry completely after that pair of initial coats I put with sprayer? How do you guys keep hiliter on the item not on the sponge?

Or is it normal if it is going onto the sponge while finish apply?

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This is why I use paint brushes and dye....and one of the reasons I have been interested in making my own concoctions. I have been to busy working on my order list to even think about it the last couple weeks, and seems like I am getting into the weeds cause the kids have all been real sick with 2 trips to the hospital this week and a dunk in the snow for one of them to knock down the fever at 4.30am...argh! It was one of those...well son ready or not...this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you moments...cause I know your going to scream and wake up the neighborhood....hahahaha.

But the grind continues...I know that doesn't answer any of your questions...LOLOLOLOL


Don't rush it, let it sit at least over night. Sounds like you have as much patience as me for the final stage, it is hard I know, but it takes what it takes.

I picked up some new stuff from a local place, I'll let you know the name later. It seems to work very well on the 2 tests I did, and I just tried it on the Ink deflector I made. So far I like it and it flash dries in about 30 mins. You might have the same already. Probably the only brand available in Finland...very similar to saddle lac.

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