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Here's the next item done. This seat goes with the other one I posted a few days ago with the eagle on it. The customer bought one for her brother, and this one for her dad who was in the Air Force in WWII. I wasn't sure how it would look dyed and all, but I was pleasantly suprised with the finished product. I hope the customer likes it as well. As always, thanks for looking, and let me know what you think. Blessings to all.

post-7660-048037400 1337270230_thumb.jpg

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As always your tooling is the gold standard. Outstanding. Did you use acrylic paint. If so how did you finish? I'm working on a similar project.

Posted (edited)

Simply beautiful. Excellent piece and the carving is extraordinary as always. One note just to be historically accurate, her father must have served in the Army Air Corps which was retitled the Army Air Force (AAF), the US Air Force separated from the Army in 1947 and became one of the four services. Until then it was a part of the Army and got it's start in the Army Signal Corps. Most people don't realize that it was the US Army that actually dropped the two atomic bombs on Japan which hastened the end of the war in the Pacific and caused Japan to surrender.


Edited by Chief31794
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Thanks for the nice words guys...I appreciate it.

Jon...I used Cova color dyes. I don't know if they're acrylic or not....LOL. I tell ya, I'm not real sharp on that kinda stuff.

Ken....thanks for the bit of history. When I googled the logo, it did say it was the US Army Air Corp. The customer sent a pic of the logo type she was after.

BTW.....the customer picked them up this afternoon, and was pretty excited with both of them. In fact, gave me a $10 tip!!

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Thanks, and the tip is you know you done good. I need soem Sheridan lessons. Your stuff is killer..............................



Jon...I used Cova color dyes. I don't know if they're acrylic or not....LOL. I tell ya, I'm not real sharp on that kinda stuff.

Spray finish or rub on????? Come on give it up.......................:You_Rock_Emoticon:

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Jon.....thanks again for your compliments. I don't know about killer, but I feel like I'm kinda getting there. But, I'm sure not even in the same ballpark as some other folks on here i.e. Hidepounder, John Ivy, Clint Haverty, etc., etc. Nonetheless, I still keep striving to improve.

As for the finish, I use Tan Kote and rub it on with sheepskin. My whole finish process is basic Sheridan. Oil, ClearLac (now using RTC from Bee Natural and really liking it), antique, Tan Kote.

Too bad you don't live closer, I'd be happy to sit down with you and show you stuff I've learned about Sheridan style along the way.

Anyway, thanks again for your kind words, and I hope God blesses you.

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Jon.....thanks again for your compliments. I don't know about killer, but I feel like I'm kinda getting there. But, I'm sure not even in the same ballpark as some other folks on here i.e. Hidepounder, John Ivy, Clint Haverty, etc., etc. Nonetheless, I still keep striving to improve.

As for the finish, I use Tan Kote and rub it on with sheepskin. My whole finish process is basic Sheridan. Oil, ClearLac (now using RTC from Bee Natural and really liking it), antique, Tan Kote.

Too bad you don't live closer, I'd be happy to sit down with you and show you stuff I've learned about Sheridan style along the way.

Anyway, thanks again for your kind words, and I hope God blesses you.

One last question then trust me I'll leave you alone...RIGHT. When you put on the Clear Lac, did you do it over the Cova Dye. And if so, I assume it did not run. Then you antiqued and tan kote? Sound about right. Inquiring minds need to know.

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On this project I used the RTC rather than Clear Lac, but yes I did put it on over the top of the Cova. I let the Cova dry for several hours....maybe even overnight. And, I used a spray bottle to apply it. I've ruined more than one project rubbing Clear Lac on over the top of dye. I didn't want to even risk it whether it be RTC or Clear Lac. I think for me, the hardest part of getting my game up to the next level is the finish work. But, I'm gonna keep pluggin' away and experimenting with stuff 'til I find the magic touch. Keep being blessed.

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Thanks, I need to do some experimenting. I like this RTC, will have to get some.


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