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Aubrey Kloppers

Oiling, Polishing, Dubbin - Inside And Out?

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I know this is a kind of stupid question, but I am making a leather saddlebag (solo) for my Harley Davidson forty-eight.

I have just completed the stitching of the sides and would like to know if I have to oil (or put dubbin) on the inside (rough side) of the leather as well?

Let me show you:


The leather is about 3-4mm thick. It is untreated and quite hard.

Do I heat the "dubbin" to become liquid if I want it to penetrate DEEP into the leather?

Sorry for the stupid questions

Kind regards

Aubrey Kloppers

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Sorry for the slow reply - I don't log on every day!

How much you dress your saddlebag will depend on how supple you want it. Warmed Dubbin would be fine - just make sure it isn't too hot. A short burst in a microwave will do the trick.

I would be inclined to use normal leather dressing on both sides and after it has worked in to your satisfaction, apply a waterproofing wax to the outside as it is bound to get wet on your bike at some stage.

Use something like this: http://www.nikwax-usa.com/en-gb/products/productdetail.php?productid=499


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