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Singer 111G156 Stitch Length Problem

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I'm hoping some kind person can offer some advice. I have just bought a Singer 111G156 for the purpose of sewing some new leather seat covers for my old MGB. Everything works great on the machine except for the stitch length adjuster. The adjuster initially was very stiff, tripping the safety clutch a few times before freeing up. Now free, the stitch adjuster button depresses into the feed drive eccentric and the machine pully turns changing the stitch length indicator in the little window by the machine pully. However the stitch length does not change. I'm wondering if something has broken in the feed drive eccentric? Does anyone have experience of this? Ive looked at the parts / drawings for singer feed drive eccentrics and wonder if the pin on the eccentric can shear off?

I can still change the stitch length by adjusting the feed reversing mechanism. Using this adjuster I can achieve a full stitch length forward (between 5-6 stitches per inch) but the reverse stitch length is tiny. At the other extreme of the adjuster both the forward and reverse stitch lengths are tiny.

I can use the machine for the intended purpose but you just have to fix something thats not working correctly :).

Any help or advice is much appreciated.

Many thanks


Edited by lampy

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Paul,I have a 111W156 and I had similar problems with my machine. It was sewing at about 20 stitches per inch, almost like an embroidery mchine. In my case, the stitch adjustment just wasn't taking. The fix in my case was to clean everything, lube it up, and walk through the adjustment process again. On adjusting the stitch setting after that it slid in and I felt it catch as I was turning the handwheel. As I remember, there was a detail I had missed the first time around, like the position of something else. I've had no issues since.I'm no expert, so hopefully one of the experts chimes in.Best of luck,

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Thanks for the reply.

Ive had a closer look and the pin on the eccentric is definitely broken. I think i'll remove the part and make a replace pin. I guess the pin is held in place by induction shrink fitting? Another interesting project!!

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Bob Kovar on this site or Pilgrim Shoe Machine Co. most likely have any part you may need.

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