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Boss Tension

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My boss has finally arrived today, so I've decided to do some testing sewing 2 scraps together (each about 4oz).

The first few attempts have resulted in bobbin thread lying flat on the back side of the leather. Having done some searching on this forum I came to a conclusion that the bobbin tension was way too high (I could hardly pull the bobbin thread out of the shuttle with the factory settings). I've spent a few hours experimenting with tensions but could not get any consistent results =(

What is the correct procedure to find the right upper & lower tensions? Any advice would be very welcome!

Shall I just set the upper primary & secondary according to Boss instructions & then keep adjusting the lower tension until it starts working?

Thank you!

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First, make sure you have the thread in the correct path. You presumably have the manual/DVD so I'll proceed from there.

There are two screws involved in the bobbin tension. One is the lock screw, and the other is the tension screw. Place a bobbin of your preferred thread in the bobbin case. Loosen the lock screw just a turn or two, then with a little tension on the thread, loosen the tension screw a quarter turn at a time until there's only about a pound of tension. You shouldn't need to turn it much, so go slow. Once the tension is right, retighten the lock screw.

You should be able to follow the disk's instructions for the top tension posts from here.

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Hi Mike,

Thanks for the advice.

I've set the bobbin tension to what I believe is about 1 pound drag, but I still can't get the top thread to pull in the stitch. I get slightly better results when I add some tension on the primary wheel, but still far from perfect and the stitches seem to lack consistency even though I make sure I cycle the handle all the way.

Any more tips & tricks on how to get the Boss working? :deadsubject:

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Take a full wrap around the secondary tensioner and slowly increase the tension on the discs.

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At least I'm not the only one who can't seem to get their Boss working. I have been having the same tension issues.

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Hi Mike,

Thanks for the advice.

I've set the bobbin tension to what I believe is about 1 pound drag, but I still can't get the top thread to pull in the stitch. I get slightly better results when I add some tension on the primary wheel, but still far from perfect and the stitches seem to lack consistency even though I make sure I cycle the handle all the way.

Any more tips & tricks on how to get the Boss working? :deadsubject:

Inconsistency on length sounds like a presser foot issue. If you don't have enough pressure one it, the needle will pull the leather up, and off the plate, when you are on the "up" stroke. It'll also allows the needle to move the leather backwards...which is probably where the lack of consistency is coming from.

Try holding the leather in place after you complete the down stroke and see if that will make the tpi more consistent. If the leather is lifting, you'll need to increase the presser foot tension. That will also hold the leather in place so that the thread/knot can be pulled into the leather.

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What thread size are you using also? A lot of my friends use 277 for top thread and 207 for the bottom. I use 277 for both. Works fine for me.


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The initial tension settings are starting points. If you have to increase the top tension try using the primary adjustment. Leave the secondary one alone if you can. Also you normally dont need to adjust the bottom tension once its set to about a pound.

Edited by mlapaglia

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I'm probably as much a novice at these settings as you are, but here is what I've found out through "a whole bunch" of experimenting and sewing of scrap leather.

Tippmann (Customer Support) told me the bobbin tension should be right at about half of what the needle thread tension is. However, if you start by setting the bobbin tension at the recommended 1 pound, than that means the tension from the needle thread should be 2 pounds. I tried to use those settings but found out the machine was making my stitches WAY TOO tight. So, I backed off the bobbin tension, and of course the thread tension as well. Currently, I have the bobbin tension set at 1/2 pound (8 oz), and the needle thread tension at 1 pound. The machine sounds better, the hand crank effort isn't as strenuous and my stitches look perfect, with the lock stitch buried in the middle of my material.

However, there is a possible Gottcha.... when using only an 8 oz. bobbin tension. That is, the machine is a lot more susceptible to small bobbin tension changes caused by an unevenly wound bobbin. So, if your bobbin is not near "perfectly" wound, in nice flat layers, you can end up with occasional stitches where the lock stitch (knot) will sit on the bottom of the material, or occasionally on the top, instead of being where it should be; in the middle of the material thickness.

I'm still experimenting and testing, but that is what I've found out so far. Maybe I'm approaching this all wrong, then I hope others with more experience will jump in here and help both of us. ;)

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