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Dog Leads - Burner?

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I've seen what a metal ring will do to a kangaroo lead (not pretty). I've been making my slip leads with a leather loop instead of a metal ring, and no complaints so far. But I'm pretty new.

I think I've been turning out some decent quality leads, partly due to the tips I've received on the forum - thanks everyone.

I think I once read a reference to a 'burner'. I've never been able to figure out just what that is. I think it is something to protect the end loop part of the lead from wearing? I saw some sort of extra leather on a lead, but didn't get a close look.

I would like to do anything I can to make my leads last longer, and it sounds like one main concern is the leather of the loop wearing.

Can anyone help me out, re. the burner or whatever else I might do? Where I could read about it, or how to add one?

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Look for it in relation to Roping or Lasso work.

You might also look for the term 'honda'

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I'm still looking through the saddle making section too.....further thought makes me think I saw something about a 'burner' on a saddle horn used for dallying.

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OK, should I be doing something like in this thread?


Can anyone give me some tips to get started - I am a complete novice at working leather? Is this in Bruce Grant's encyclopedia?

With a kangaroo leash, what leather should I use for the honda? So I cut the piece of leather, do something (?) to make the edges nice, punch holes, and lace it up - I think. Can I use the kangaroo lace, would my 1/8 lace be strong enough?

I live near Tandy leather, so I could purchse what I need there.

Thanks in advance for any tips, links to a tutorial I've missed, or anything else :)

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Or should I be trying to get scraps of the kangaroo leather that the lace comes from?

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Yep, that was one of the threads I was thinking of.

The issue seems to be the effect of a metal ring on appearance of the 'roo, so I'd say if you can, get a small piece of rawhide to line the loop with. I'm sure you've seen cables with the metal 'eye' in the loop, and I think that would work well. Simply use the rawhide to make your burner in the braided eye and you can use the metal rings without damaging the kangaroo. If you can't find small amounts of rawhide at Tandy, look at pet supply stores for the rawhide chews. Better stores will have better quality rawhide strips/rolls and you can simply wet it, flatten it, and cut out what you need....a word of caution though: I think they have something else added to the rawhide...I just don't know what it is. But for experimentation, it's a cheap source of rawhide.

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I've seen kangaroo leads actually shredded by the sliding metal loop. A few of my own show significant wear very quickly. So I try to not use the rings unless someone insists.

Instead of using the rings (although I did think about what you said, putting a burner on the metal) - I just use a loop of the braid. But I was thinking of using a honda/burner on the leather loop, so that that loop didn't wear out before the rest of the lead. But I suppose I could do either.

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean about a cable and an eye etc.

I'm not sure rawhide would have the look I want (maybe I'm wrong, but I'm guessing from what I know of rawhide). I'd prefer some finished looking leather - I suppose kangaroo would be ideal, I'll have to see if there is any way to get scraps.

Would I need to do anything to the edges? Or just bevel them or something?

Thanks very much for your help.

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Something like that ^, but out of a leather. You don't have to use rawhide, but it's worth considering because it IS tough. You could also just use some regular vegtan, or even chrometan garment leather....all you're doing is making buffer. As far as using strips of kangaroo....sure if it'll stand up to the metal.

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Oh ok, thanks.

But what I was thinking of was NOT using any metal at all.

The end of the lead is just a braided leather loop. These are slip leads, so the main part of the lead will go through that loop, and the loop will slide back and forth. I was thinking that loop would wear the fastest, so I was thinking of putting a honda/burner on the leather loop.

The rawhide sure is tough, but it is so hard (at least the rawhide I know) that I think it might actually damage the lead. Plus, these are for the show ring, so I'm not sure the appearance of the rawhide would work.

So pieces of kangaroo would likely work? If I can find any? (btw, anyone that would like to sell some scraps of kangaroo, black and brown, please let me know)

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I got ya now....I was envisioning a lead with a snap clip on the end, and needing to protect the lacing from the metal ring on the snap.

Yep, forget the rawhide.

vegtan dyed to match, or contrast should work just fine. Then again, if you've conditioned your strands well, and they're beveled so that there's no 'edges' in the braid, it should slip past itself just fine.

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I have conditioned and beveled it. I just had one friend who's really worried about it, and I have seen one very nicely made lead with some sort of burner/honda, I just thought it might make mine just a little bit better.

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