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New Guy From Satx

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New guy, as the title implies, recently started leather crafting. Heard of and now seen some good things out of these forums. Happy to be a part.

About me, been alive for three decades and feel like I have been drawing for four. Leather is a new medium to let my artistic side shine and is a lot more durable than paper. The leather bug was planted when my old man was making some simple armor for kendo class. I saw what my dad made and, being that I am ultra competitive when it comes to him, I said to myself not only can I do better but I can make it look good too.

The old man got me my first set of basic tools for construction and I picked a basic carving/tooling set. It has been great time at the bench ever since. I am here to learn all I can and ask even more.



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Welcome aboard!

I'm new at leather work myself..

You'll find this forum a great place for info and the people here are top notch when it comes to input!

Look forward to seeing some of your work :)

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