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Does anyone know of a source of Large(8sg ft) Shark Skins? Ostrich market and Roje are dead ends at the moment. I need to make some full length belts and it seems everyone is dried up.

Any leads would be appreciated.

Thanks, Jim

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You might call Springfield Leather. They've had them in the past and may have one or two on hand.

I think ST leather has shark averaging 4-7 sq.ft, but they may have an 8 sq-ft. I haven't ever dealt with ST Leather though.

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You might call Springfield Leather. They've had them in the past and may have one or two on hand.

I think ST leather has shark averaging 4-7 sq.ft, but they may have an 8 sq-ft. I haven't ever dealt with ST Leather though.

Thanks for the tip!

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Last time I called Springfield for shark leather they sent me a HUGE piece of shark! Biggest I've ever seen. However, it had absolutely zero texture to it and I had to return it.

Did you try John Fong?

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