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I just joined this site yesterday. I need some help regarding leather types and leather printing.

I am planning to make another income for myself and I want to print antique engravings, pictures etc. on leather and sell them after framing. What I want to do is just buy the right leather for this work, choose the right printing process and printing device and frame and sell them.

But I have completely no experience in leather processing, printing. I have a couple of questions, please if give me some advice if you think you have expertise and your advice would be helpful for me.

1) Which type of leather should I choose for this business? (I personally prefer two colors. white and yellowish. if the color matters).

2) Since I did a little bit reading on forums, I see that there are different ways of leather printing. Which process should be chosen for this kind of printing? (I would like my leather printing long lasting and quality).

And I also would appreciate any more advice that you would give me.


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