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Hy to all

I've began to use a antique paste on my leather seats but there's so much problem when it takes rain,

wich is the best finish product to avoid this problem,?

Snow-proof of fiebings or other?



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Well, you should be sealing the paste down as part of the antiquing step....are you doing that or just antiquing and go? One of the -lac finishes should serve you well for this. IIRC, the current version of the old neatlac is 'wyosheen'.

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Well, you should be sealing the paste down as part of the antiquing step....are you doing that or just antiquing and go? One of the -lac finishes should serve you well for this. IIRC, the current version of the old neatlac is 'wyosheen'.

I've read several things that state any of the "LAC" products shouldn't be used over antique paste. Have you had any bad experience there? I've used it in the past and didn't have any issues, so I'm trying to find more evidence to backup the warnings.

Resolene is a good finish that's water resistant. I also know a lot of people like atom-wax, but I've never used it myself. Personally, I like the lacquer products and Resolene because I know they seal things. Then I finish it off with a coat of wax conditioner for an added layer of protection.

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I've seen very good (but admittedly a limited number) results with neatlac over tankote over antique...i found the youtube vid by keith valley saddlery, and tried his method. It works very well, and after proper drying times, holds up splendidly with no discernable rub off.

As far as NOT using -lac products over antique....I can only presume that applying it directly on the antique may lead to some issues of lifting the antique.

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I've seen very good (but admittedly a limited number) results with neatlac over tankote over antique...

I'll have to give that a try and see what it does :)

I keep seeing those warnings come up while digging through the IILG archives.

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Of all the finishes I've used and tested, lacquer is the most impervious to contact with liquid. And it does work well with antique paste or a mixture of antique paste and tan kote.

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