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How Do You---------------

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Hope this might be something for everyone to participate in.

What are some of the interesting ways/methods you use to market your wares?

Bound to be some very unique and interesting and creative methods used by the many talented folks on the leatherworker.net.

No matter what the method may be, it may be beneficial to others to learn of new tactics or, simply ways to better promote what they do.

Hope you all find time and are willing to share a bit of your techniques with everyone.


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I make them as nice and as functional as possible. That's really about it, after that my customers seem to take care of the rest and post pictures and reveiws or whatever, I really have no idea but they find me and keep me busy full time. I recently added Facebook and that too helps but I find that seems to keeps current customers interested more than creating new ones.

My name and a picture of one of my holsters has been in about 8 or so magazines over the past few months in a couple articles and while it may have helped a tiny bit it is not nearly as affective as a couple happy customers sharing their experience on a forum.

Word of mouth advertising really is the best, I haven't ever had to spend any money advertising other than some local things that's more like giving money to a charity than advertising.

I will say one thing that's kind of silly but I thought about doing(and would have if they would have let me) but a couple times we had some heavy snow I was going to call in to the local tv station to have my shop listed as closed that day. I figured my shops name would be played all day long on that channel. Unfortunately they changed their policy to only allow schools and non profit organizations do it now.

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