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Hello all, my name is Veridian. I found this forum by positive accident after searching for useful ideas and inspiration in my own creations. Most importantly education, leather craft is such an fun and enjoyable skill, but my main skills lay in jewelry design mostly wire-wrapping gemstones, minor solder and epoxy resins and some basic metal work. it sounds more exciting that what i am capable of. I'm Still in many learning stages. Leather is another one of them, but i take a special enjoyment in the craft and process. Yet i still find some difficulty in the the process, mainly "How do i sew this if this is like that", "I want to color this but have issues with such and such." as well as many "How did you do that?"

Much of which i understand is trial and error, and there are no shortcuts in learning a new skill, but I believe there many more ways to learn and understand than through lonesome and often frustrating attempts.

I also hope to give back along with receive, in the ways of showcase, commentary, supportive critique. and generally fun and enjoyable conversation.

I guess with all that, I seek from this forum as a means to keep myself Creatively motivated, One can only watch so much Netflix while they work.

That's all i have to say for now. Hope to make a few friends in the process, till then, thank you for your time, and take care.

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Howdy, and welcome to the forum! :cowboy:

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Thank you, really enjoying the place so far. so many tips and concepts. almost feel overwhelmed with the knowledge that can be found here. Before i was hardly able to find anything useful on the web when i needed help or had questions, now, i don't know where to begin, Ask and ye shall receive, and be careful what you wish for, i guess (laughs). Thanks again.


Great to have you in the group. You apparently lead a very interesting life. Go for it--------Laugh, love, play hard, and live long.

God Bless.


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Thank you for the welcome David, And Thank you as well Ray. I...Yeah I guess I do what with all the odd stories i have, That's actually what my friends have told me, Really i just see it as, Living the life i have. Not to the fullest, or any other cliche, just simply living. (smiles), back to work for me. Take care

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