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Polyethylene Clicker Board, What Do I Need.

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I am in need of a poly clicker board for my old Sandt clicking machine.

The machine have a thick steel framed wooden board cutting surface. Several used ones came with the machine, and they are no good.

It would be easy to purchase new poly board in the USA. However, the shipping will be three times the price of the board. Plastic is one thing we still have production in Norway (its made by oil), so I can get one here if I knew what to look for.

I checked around and a company offered me Hight density 500 polyethylene. Would this work well for leather (all kinds) or what grade do I need?

I can raise the cutting board high enough to replace the wooden block with a poly board.

However, then the board will be on its top threads and it looks a bit scary. Thats why I plan to level the wood and put the poly on the top of it. What thickness do I need on this polyboard when I use wood underneath. Would one inch do the trick?

The cutting surface is fourteen by eighteen inches.

Any opinion and experiences would be appreciated.

Thank you



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