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I Am Laughlyn, And I Am Intruiged...

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Greetings to all!

First let me say that i was a bit confused looking around here at the spelling and grammar being used. 4 hours or reading later and its making more sense. i can hardly imagine if i have been trying to work on a project for hours, then came and sat here and read some and THEN tried to type a response. (funnily though, i am paying much more attention to my own spelling at the moment)

Anywho, so i am a dabbler who first began with leather back, oh lets say about 10 years ago or so and fiddled here and there with a few forgettable things. last summer i happened to poke my head into a tandy store i used to go to and i recalled how much fun i had (and that i still had my small array of tools). so here i am another year later, with even more tools picked up here and there as needed... ok well most because they were "as wanted and conveniently on sale" and in the last few months i have decided i need to actually try and learn what i am doing. so i have a few books, and a few ideas... but honestly no clue what i am actually doing. but i am mechanical. i am stubborn. and i am intruiged.

i shall leave it at that for now and be back to read even more about what plays into the ideas floating in my hed now. this place is both a blessing and a curse for someone like me who came here looking for the answer to one question, only to have scrapped my entire idea and reformed it anew a few times just these past few hours. simply amazing.



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"i am mechanical. i am stubborn. and i am intruiged."

By that statement, it sounds like you're on the right track. It's amazing what you can learn when you want to. Welcome to our little slice of the internet. Most everybody is happy to anwser questions, or at least help you figure it out.

Yes, I think we've all picked up tools on the "want" list before. Leatherworking is almost as bad as woodworking for "tool porn". The hard part is jumping in and just trying some projects. Take some advice from someone who is still pretty new to this, get your hands on scrap leather and learn by doing. It's actually a lot of fun. Those first few screw ups will teach you so much more then reading ever will.

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