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I'm Tom, 32 years old from Belgium

I'm currently following a car upholstery class.

The duration of this class is 2 years followed with 6 months of specialisation (build in airbags,aftermarket seat heating etc..)

I'm really excited about this class and really want to make a living from car upholstery in the future.

I'm a total newbie so i have a lot to learn and a lot of questions to ask. I think i will find a lot of answers during my class but i

still registred here to meet other people who shae the ssame interests.

My grandfather used to fix shoes and has an old machine (which needs TLC) on his attic; I will go check it out one of these days; Not sure it will do what i'm looking for.

Thats all for now folks

greetings Tom

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Hello Tom ,

I'm just down the road from you in Rhode St. Genese . I'd like to hear about your class . U can check out my website ralphbaggaley.com

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Hi Ralph,

I just checked your site, looks like you really know a thing or two about leather ;-)

I'm only just started lessons 2 weeks ago without any experience at all. I'm currently self-employed , i have my own litlle newspaper shop but i think it's time for a change, so that's why I finally found some time to do these classes in Limburg. Is there anything special you want to know about them?

I'm going to check out some more of your stuff laterr, i'm currently in my shop so i don't have a lot of time now.

I'm from Keerbergen by the way, it's located between Brussels and Leuven.

thank for your interest in my first post here



Welcome to the forum Tom.

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