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Tool Sale

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For all of you tool lovers, there is a great sale now taking place at www.proleptic.net . They have many very nice items and very decent prices.

CAUTION !!!! May make you drool----lol.

God Bless.


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Thanks for new supplier to feed my addiction!

Edited by WScott

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I knew I shouldn't have gone to that website!! LOL Great prices and WAY to easy to buy things. Thanks for the heads up though I did pick up a couple of things I needed, and four that I really didn't!! Ha!

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Hey Scott and Pablo. Glad you found some goodies at the annual tool sale. I receive their monthly publication and have picked up a good bit of information and suppliers over the years. I understand that they are now going to publish the issues online. Must look at that in the future.

God Bless.


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