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Hey there, another newbie to add to the list...

I am a custom woman with a custom lifestyle! I'm here to pick up some leather working tips and techniques as i adore crafts and want to take up something new which will involve working with my hands. I studied art & crafts at college and went on to uni to study a design crafts degree. I got the idea from my love of motorcycles and seeing the custom leatherwork just ticks my box.. i also thought as i have a few leather items lying around could learn to embellish them with my talent in pattern making. Traditional crafts are so pleasing to me and would very much like to communicate with those who feel the same as i do smile.gif . It would be a real shame if these traditional skills died out and hope to give a spark of inspiration to others.

My main strengths are in metalwork, pattern design, engraving/embellishing.

Any advice on good books or video's for beginners would be very much appreciated!

Looking forward to looking around and chatting with like minded folk!



Hello Em and welcome to the forum!

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Hiya Em, welcome to the forum. I'm pretty new to leather craft too, from what I've learnt the best way forward is familiarise yourself with the tools and then pick something you'd like to do and research how to do it, ask on the forums etc.... everyone here is really friendly and helpful. Also I've been watching some youtube vids and you can pick up alot on the terminology, see how their workspaces are laid out, what tools/dyes the person is using for a specific finish etc...



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Hi Em,

greetings and salutations from a fellow brit! you have definitely found the best resource on the web for learning leathery stuff.


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Welcome Em....with your background you'll be addicted to working with leather in an instant, let your mind explore the possibilities of also integrating leather with your other mediums, and skills! I also work with metal and make belt buckles as well as motorcycle leather - http://keableleather.com.au/?p=454

Cheers Jace

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Hi Em, Welcome from the West Middlands (almost Wales).

This forum is is especially friendly to newbies. Yep, leatherwork goes hand in hand with motorcycles and rock/metal. That's how I got started, by wanting to make an Iron Maiden patch for my bike jacket. :) You will find all the resources you could imagine here.


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