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Hi, l have a new skiving machine, a Sieck from Germany/Far East which is a Fortuna clone. I am just getting the hang of it but then it started making wobbly cuts. I have looked this up and the booklet suggests tightening two screws on the knife shaft, but it doesn't say how to lift the machine up from the front and tip it over to gain access. I guess l need to unhook the drive belt? But how to do this and which end of the belt? This is a new machine so l don't want to just dive in and ruin it. Any guidance greatfully appreciated. Thanks, Tim

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Got pictures? If it's set up like your typical skiver then you should be able to just tilt the head back like an industrial sewing machine without removing the belt first. But then again, I don't know how yours is set up.


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Thanks for replying Andrew.I am going to add some photos to this thread. Kind Regards, Tim




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HI Andrew

Yes l just tried that but it tugs on the belt. Guess l will have to take the belt off. Any tips on that?


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The way the belt is angled, it should tilt back. There will be some tension but it should tilt back. If you want to take the belt off, do it at the motor. In the picture of the motor you included, you see there's a bracket with a bolt running through it with a bolt secured on either side? Loosen the rear bolt and the motor will move back thereby loosening the tenstion on the belt and then you can slip the belt off the pulley.


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Brilliant, thanks very much, l will try loosening the bolt tomorrow.


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