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How Do You Secure An Over Cast Stitch?

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A picture is included below. Some areas are hard to access (thread will be on inside of wallet and be hard to tie). I can secure the knot but I'm not a hundred percent certain it will last. threads only go vertical or horizontal, but never both. How would you go about securing the ends?


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Hmm. I don't really understand what you're doing with these over cast stitches, but when I finish a thread, I just go back 2 stitches and tie a knot through the third hole (pull first needle through the hole (say, left), put second needle in (right), but instead of casting the left thread over the right needle once, do an extra turn, so you'll effectively wrap your right needle with your left thread 1.5 times. Pull the threads tight and you'll form a knot inside the stitch hole).

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Hmm. I don't really understand what you're doing with these over cast stitches, but when I finish a thread, I just go back 2 stitches and tie a knot through the third hole (pull first needle through the hole (say, left), put second needle in (right), but instead of casting the left thread over the right needle once, do an extra turn, so you'll effectively wrap your right needle with your left thread 1.5 times. Pull the threads tight and you'll form a knot inside the stitch hole).

tried it out today and it works great. For those looking at this thread I cut the thread with 5mm of excess, cut a piece of leather that revealed only the thread, but protected the leather product from burn marks and singed the polyester thread.

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