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Wanting To Learn, Central Texas

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Hello. I am new to this leather forum but have been looking at it for a while trying to learn as much as I can. I am new to the leather working but cant pull away from it and want to learn more of the braiding for horse tack, and want to learn the old school way things are done. I watch videos till my eyes fall out but I was wondering if there is any classes for it close to central Texas or if there are people that would let me come and watch or do grunt work for as I learn just to get some of the basics. I have a young son so I am not able to stay away from home to long but want to learn all that I can more than anything. Please let me know if you know of anyone. Thank you for your time.

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I believe B. Hensling (?) braiding is located just outside of Waco. I know that he does personal instruction. I think he is in Meridan??

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