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Some Old Vergez Blanchard Tools I Found On Ebay

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Bought these on ebay this week.

Haven't tried to restore any old tools in the past but I used a dremel with some red and green compound to clean them up which I later read is bad :no: since the dremel creates heat that can damage tools.

The creaser is a single line creaser which I have never used before and I actually prefer it to my newer Adjustable creaser since the impression it makes seems to be thinner which I like better on smaller work. With the single line creaser I have been running it along a ruler since there is no guide for the edge. Im assuming that is how they are used?

The 2 edgers work but don't cut super smooth so Im gonna read some tutorials tonight and try to sharpen them up a bit more.

Anyway here are a few pics.


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Gorgeous tools! I imagine with a little work, you can get the edgers cutting just fine.

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The problem with most European/British edgers is that they'll never be as sharp as the American. Sad but true.

However I think one of your edgers is double sided, so if you pull it/jerk it the iron will come out of the handle and reveal a secondary beveler.

The single creasers are mostly used without a ruler or any type of guide. Just a steady hand and practice.

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