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i'm interested in buying an edge creaser. i like the line and rounded edge look on some projects. but i have a question. what do the numbers mean in reference to the tool itself? i've seen a #3 creaser....#5, etc. i'm sure it refers to size, but are those numbers interchangeable between manufacturers? is it the bigger the number, the larger the tool?

  • Moderator

The bigger the number, the larger the size. The approximates are each number is +/- 1/32". A #2 is 2/32 between the ridges, a #5 wiuld be 5/32", etc. Then it gets fun. Gomph makes another size range up from there also in a #1-#5 size range they call a large round creaser. The older Osbornes made a larger size range #1-#5 and they called them layer creasers. The larger size range starts at 6/32 and goes up 1/32 with each number. There can be some variation between one tool to the next due to small manufacturing differences and wear. Then you find the occasional #0 or #6 too.

All bets are off on the new Osborne ones and they bear little resemblance to the old ones. Apparently they lost the patterns and quality control specs at some point.

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well, i should have bet myself - i would have won. i figured you would be the first to answer this one, bruce. lol. thank you.

now, are all ridges the same dimension from the edge of the leather? or does it vary with each number?

i appreciate the info.

  • Moderator

The number is how far the ridges are apart. The crease line would be further in for each larger size. The outslde ridge is longer to ride down the edge of the leather.

  • Members

wow. asking for something like this picture was out of the questio....or so i thought.

thank you very much jeremy. this is great.

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Welcome, Hopefully it helps you a bit. I'll check it against a couple of my Gomph creasers later

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