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Any Interest In Starting A Local Braiding Club In The Texoma Area.

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Seems like a lot of people on here are looking for a place to find help with braiding and I thought it would be great to try and start a local Braiding Club. Nothing formal to begin with just people with the same interest getting together to work on projects and help each other out.

There are two Tandy Stores in Texas that we might be able to use for meetings. Or if the weather is good we could meet at a local park, or if someone has a place available to use that would work too.

If it seems to work out and the interest is there, then we can think about making it more formal with dues and rules.

I had a hard time finding local help when I started braiding. No one wanted to help afraid they would lose business to competitions or something. Anyway I found a wounderful person willing to mentor me via the internet and with videos we sent back and forth. I sent him some of my work to critique and he would give me suggestions on how to make my work better.

I consider myself an intermediate braider, I can make some nice useful products that people want to use. But I still have so much to learn, and lots of improvement that I can still make in my work.

I live near the Red River border in Oklahoma, so either Oklahoma or Texas would be acceptable. If anyone else is in the area and would be interested in getting together with other braiders please let me know, if there is enough interest we might try it.

Happy Holidays!

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