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What Is The Ideal Tool For Splitting Latigo For Plaiting/braiding?

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Hello, I am looking to buy a splitter for latigo whip plaiting and general splitting with low production volume (3-5 whips per week). What spliter does everyone recommend? I have been thinking a landis 5 in 1 or similar would work well for my shop but is it accurate enough? I see the most plaiters use the C.S. Osborn manual type, why is this?



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Most but not all 5 in 1s can be set for level splitting but you'll wear your arm out cranking it through. The adjustments are not as precise.

The CS Osborne #86 splitters see a lot of use because they are pretty available and tend to be the least expensive pull splitter. Easy to adjust, don't take up much room, and normally a solid unit.

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