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I want to try to made some item with this technique but despite the common use of water to harden the leather, I want to use only the wax.

I have searched on internet and there are many ways in which I can use the wax but there isn't a definitive technique because no one knows its origin for certain.

What technique do you use? I am interested even in waxing a single side of the leather.

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Hello handsw,

I know the tech that harder the leather with wax, but it is now very old tech...actually nobody use it now. You can buy a kind of leather treatment named: Leather hardening agent(I don't know whether my translation is OK or not), it is a kind of liquid that when you paint it on the surface of the leather, it will be harder.

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My aim is not just to harden the leather but to discover a new technique and crate my own version. Hardening leather with water works really good actually but the use of wax may add some important features to the final item such as a higher weight and waterproof ability.

I think that the technique is still used by some people who create leather armors...

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