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Twisted 66

What Type Of Leather?

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I'm looking for leather that I can cover my motorcycle seat with..like vinyl I guess is the only way I can describe what I'm looking for ..the same pliability, the same flex and wrap-ability ( new word) I had the original idea to cut the top of the seat and stitch that to alligator embossed sides..good in my head..not so good in reality. embossed leather doesn't wrap worth a damn! so I was thinking of just stitching it to a piece of leather and covering my seat with it now..can anyone recommend the type of leather I'd be looking for? ( not vinyl) below is what I have started...



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You can use just about any leather you want, really. Yes, even embossed leather. Have a look at this page and you'll see what can be done with regular ol' veg tan.

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I have seen his work before and to say the least his stuff is incredible and inspirational! Unfortunately the seat I am trying to cover is a 'cruiser" seat not a bobber/chopper seat. I have tried wrapping the edges and the thicker leathers seem to be trying my patience as well as my learning curve to say the least lol..I have added a better picture to help explain better..

Edited by Twisted 66

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Twisted, what thickness of leather are you trying to use for the side panels? I have used 4-5 oz and wet formed with good results on cruiser seats.

Also, a lot of custom seat makers use vinyl for the sides.

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I am curious about the method you're using - whether you're wet forming, trying to cut to size then build, what kind of seams you're using, etc. I'm not trying to pick apart your construction method, just trying to see where the assembly challenges are.

For example: Tramps mentioned wet forming- is that something you're doing? And if so, are you starting with an oversized piece so that you can wrap and tack the edges, or are you trying to fit pre-cut sections and running into alignment problems after stretching?

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well to be honest I have NO IDEA what I'm doing at this point lol..I had original figured to cut the top shape, tool it then make smaller pieces for the backs and side of embossed alligator leather ..but not sure if that's going to work so I have pretty much abandoned the idea..now I'm thinking if I get a 3x3 ( roughly) piece of upholstery leather or perhaps ( but really don't want to ) vinyl I can stitch the top piece on with a double loop stitch using kangaroo lace and then fit it over the seat and wrap it under..cut off the excess after and..viola! I'm hoping anyway..I'd so open for any suggestions at this point! I have looked on line and through forums for hours and have found tons on bobber/chopper pans etc..nice and low seat pans no real sides. and I've seen vids and info on re-wrapping a seat with vinyl and leather..just no tooling included. so I'm taking what I've seen on all the vids, what I've heard from the forums and advice and trying to add in a little logic and common sense and well..hopin for the best really.

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