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Howdy From Oregon

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Hello! I recently purchased a TechSew 2700 and, it being my first industrial machine, I'm completely baffled. A search for a solution to my problem led me here and I'm sure that I have a million more problems on the way, so I thought I'd get cozy here. It seems that I've been sewing my whole life but this has mainly been limited to putting stripes on uniforms for myself & my buddies in the barracks or just mending things here and there, so I thought I'd try to figure out how things are done properly...and that's where you fine folks come into play!


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First off, welcome to the forum, best leather site on the internet IMHO. Second look at the section on Leather Sewing Machines, tons of great information there. Finally get some scrap leather and practice, practice and then practice some more and in the end have fun. Can't wait to see some of your work.


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