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removing permanent marker from upholstery leather

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Odd question for a leatherworking forum, but I figured someone on here has go to know. My wife and I just bought a used leather couch. There are some marks from permanent markers on the leather, and a gum stain on one spot. Is there something that will remove these without damaging the leather? Thanks for your help.

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I have used eucalyptus essential oil with some success. Darryl

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Odd question for a leatherworking forum, but I figured someone on here has go to know. My wife and I just bought a used leather couch. There are some marks from permanent markers on the leather, and a gum stain on one spot. Is there something that will remove these without damaging the leather? Thanks for your help.

For the permanent marker, go to a photo store (a REAL photo store, not your basic walmart or kmart) & get PEC-12. It was formulated to remove magic marker marks from photographs (& other non-porous surfaces). Upholstery leathers tend to be on the non-porous side, so it's worth a try. It will not work on porous materials. PEC-12 may even be available on line. It's a bit pricey, but is worth every penny, & you use so little (it's a pump spray) that a bottle will last for years.


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I've had some success using "Awesome" concentrated cleaner from Dollar Tree stores. For non-porous surfaces, wow. It's pulled Iodine out of a clothing, with no staining. However, since it is such a strong cleaner and I suspect PEC-12 is too, always recondition the leather where it was exposed to the harsh chemicals.

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