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Problem With Over Thread On Adler 167 373Gk

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The other day a needle broke due to hitting a very hard patch of super glue. OK new needle but hook not in right position when needle in the down position. Had to adjust the bobbin case so the hook was just at the down position. Also had to tweek the space in between the hook and the needle. Before that of course the distance between needle eye and hook. Now everything should be right but no. The hook catches the upper thread correctly but does not release the thread on the next turn. This creates a bird nest and upper thread is ripped off at the second stich or third.

I am starting to believe this has to do with the bobbin lift or is there a slip clutch somewhere that is out of sync? Please help I am running out of ideas. I have the service manual for 67 and I do read German but technical language over my head. :crazy:

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It could be one of the following: hook timing, thread caught in the hook, or a burr.

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most likely you drove the needle bar up when you broke the needle. reset the needle bar then redo the hook timing.

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Thanks guys! It lead me in the right direction. Found a burr on the tip of the hook. OK I had to take out the hook and found the screw holding the hook case down to be a little bit up and furthermore the spring pin out of place!

Took hook out and found that the tip was kind of bent. Polished it and replaced everything. How much should you tighten the screw in the middle? I tightened it until the hook case could not turn. Loosened the screw until it could. Wrong or?

I probably have to buy a new hook assembly. Anyone know where to buy spare parts for Adler in Europe. The only one with a decent supply I have found is College Sewing in UK. There are some in Spain but I have not found one that can supply screws. (My dog knocked the tray over and one is missing for the moving foot plate).

Edited by Bertil

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Still have the same problem. Now I suspect it has among all the other things to do with the lifter of the bobbin and hook assembly. When I removed the hook I found a lot of dirt which now is cleaned out. Been trying to read the German service manual but I don't get any wiser. I suppose that I now have to lift more but has anyone a good measurement or trick?

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A friend gave me some good advices (he is a mechanical engineer):

Follow the service manual exactly!

If you don´t have the special tools prescribed, invent something. I did! Instead of "Kloben 30" and "Schleifenhublehre 29", visegrips and a small plate 1.7mm.

Final advice: check, check and check again. This I found to be really helpful. It is so easy that something is changed slightly when tilting the machine and take off the cord!

Now the machine works like a charm. Timing reset and needle height is right. No burr and the hook does not need to be replaced for now.

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