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When using a natural dye i.e. Black Tea or boiled down Pecan hulls, do you mix it with vinegar to dye the leather?


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I would. Tea by itself is not a dye; it's a stain. Without the vinegar to react with the tannins in the leather, it'll likely just sit on the surface and not do much. Test on a scrap and see how it goes.

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I would. Tea by itself is not a dye; it's a stain. Without the vinegar to react with the tannins in the leather, it'll likely just sit on the surface and not do much. Test on a scrap and see how it goes.

Thanks! I would guess that it takes very little vinegar, is that correct?

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I'd make the tea using vinegar, to be honest -- just bung the teabags in the jug. White vinegar is like $2/gallon, why skimp?

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I'd make the tea using vinegar, to be honest -- just bung the teabags in the jug. White vinegar is like $2/gallon, why skimp?

Hmm, makes too much sense! :oops:

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Well FWIW - I don't - for things like walnut hulls, juniper, berries, logwood, etc. I just boil in water.....and yes I've experimented with it and in some cases it may act as a mordant though - look up natural dyes - most info is for cloth but there's some good ideas that can be adapted to leather....

The reason for the vinegar when mixing with iron is to "free up" the iron which is what is the actual "colorant" - actually you can do the same thing by soaling iron in plain water - it just takes much longer.....

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Thanks for all the info. I will retire to my secret Lab for experimentation.......If I can only get by those pesky Villagers.......

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