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Wicked Welts

Thinning Cement For Eye Dropper Use?

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Not sure if I have it right but I believe some of you shoe/boot makers use thinned contact cement for certain things. Right now I'm using Weldwood adhesive and curious if this or Barge etc could be thinned enough for use from an eyedropper and still be useful for leatherwork. I got the idea after a few recent instances where 'a little dab'll do yah' and also consider that it might be handy for laying small beads for tiny fit-ups where the cap-brush would be too clumsy. Anyone have a suggestion on what to thin with or if this seems viable at all?

EDIT - Related question - The original thought came a while back after considering a go with Barge cement in the squeeze tube. I thought I might be able to use the tube to quickly squeeze out a bead rather than the usual dip and brush, dip and brush routine. Then I remembered how often I find squeeze tubes rendered useless by clogged snouts and though to pass on the idea...(automotive sealers come to mind here)...

Anyone try the squeeze tube bead routine?

Edited by Wicked Welts

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Unless you store the eyedropper in acetone, its gonna plug.

Cut that stupid brush off and chuck it. All it is good for is getting glue all over the place, especially on the mouth of the bottle, where boogers of dried glue collect, and end up in the seam at the wrong time. The plumbing section has the same brush sold as acid brushes for a quarter each.

Get a bunch of bamboo skewers, wood stir sticks, Popsicle sticks, and those cheap mini plastic pallet knives for artists at the dollar store. I have a coffee cup full of random stuff like this on my bench. Disposable dab'l'do sticks.

I cut off the glue bit with side cutters into the trash and use the remainder of the stick next time. Each skewer gets used at least 4 times.

Chopsticks are a great tool for holding leather pieces down/up/open while gluing to keep your fingers clean....

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Thanks TT - The KISS approach is king once again....

I have several dropper bottles with both plain and dropper tops so I thought I could keep the dropper booger-free by swapping it over from a bottle of solvent. But that's overthinking it as you have pointed out. I've got the brush thing squared away already but hadn't considered simple sticks/skewers! :blink:

I've got those and chopsticks on the list now - thanks.

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