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Manuals, User Guides, Repair/Engineer Guides

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Apologies if there is already a topic that consolidates the information about sewing machine manuals (user manuals, user guides, repair guides, engineer guides, etc.)

I just purchased a Juki LU-1508N and had a hard time finding an online user manual. Here are what I turned up. I hope the information is helpful to others.



* Manual at the Juki website:  http://www.juki.co.jp/industrial_e/products_e/alldocument.html

* The LU-1508N manual:from the Juki site:  http://www.juki.co.jp/industrial_e/download_e/catalog_e/lu1500n.pdf

* A site with an "engineer's" version of the Juki LU-1508N manual (for certain other Juki models as well):  http://semsi.com.mx/Manuales/JUKI/LU-1500N SEM02_.pdf

* A (sewitworks) web page that provides links to the manuals for machines made by various manufacturers (including Juki): http://www.sewitworks.com/manuals/


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