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A couple of months ago, in a fit of enthusiasm, I cleaned up my oilstones by soaking them in paraffin/kerosene overnight and then giving them a scrub

And I purchased some proper honing oil - Liberon Honing Oil - which is much thinner than the general lubricating oil I had been using

Now I've noticed that when I use the medium oilstone the honing oil soaks through it and oozes out of the bottom and the sides, so that I have to keep adding oil to maintain a pool of oil on the surface when I use it

Is there any way I can block up the pores of the stone without affecting its performance - perhaps using some thicker oil or something?

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I bought my stone years ago. It was the cheapest thing you could buy . I think it cost a pound at a car boot sale .

I oiled it for ever adding oil every day . It is now a great stone. 

When I oiled it I had the same problem. I just left the stone soaking in it and it seamed to stop after a few days

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Hmmm..... the expression 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' comes to mind

I think I'll go back to my original general oil, and if that cures the seepage I'll try my new honing oil again after a while

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