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Leatherworker Links

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I have a couple of pages of leatherworker links on my personal website. The search engines have made that area the busiest part of my site, and I hope some of you got some work because of it! I know the customers are out there, but how can they find you? I had some ideas.

What I would like to do is make a page for each member who wants one that profiles the leatherworker or business, has pictures, introductions and awards earned, contact info, website links etc to help match potential customers find the right leatherworker to contact. If Joe Blow types in "custom leather wallet" and winds up on Leatherworker.net, I want Joe to be able to review a list of people who can do that job for him. I want the casual browser to be able to see the diversity and quality of handcrafted leather vs. nylon Wal Mart accessories. I want artists and other specialty leatherworkers to have a place for an online portfolio, even if they don't have a website yet. Two years ago, one of the major leather guilds liked this idea so much that over 100 people asked me to feature them. Are you still interested? Send me a PM or email, and I'll be sending you a "questionnaire" type thing and asking you for some pictures etc, and I will build you a page. You can review it, then I will post it. Once you have a profile established, you will be given a special email address to send updates and changes, and you are encouraged to do this as much as you wish. I can usually do updates within 24 hours. There will be no charge, and you will be getting extra publicity for your store/shop/hobby. We can assemble an informative, interesting way to introduce casual browsers to the ancient art, and conveniently connect buyers to sellers. Win-Win.

Why am I doing this? I had a shop before the Internet existed, and we were limited to selling in our geographical region without investing in expensive advertisng. I want you leatherworkers to be doing your thing, not selling insurance and pouring concrete. Some of you will toss me a couple of dollars now and then so I can add more features or break even, and that would be nice, but I don't expect you to. I have wanted to do this for leatherworkers for a long time because, well, I can. :Pc: I can't carve my name, but I'm a comp tech. This forum-site isn't about me, so don't expect me to post except for the admin stuff. It would be great if you would start posting- introduce yourselves to each other. I "know" most of you, others I don't. As the forum and site grow, leatherworkers will be entertained, informed and hopefully get more business, or at least ooows and ahhhhs from our peers. Hey, after a long day at the bench and a full scrap box, it's good to talk to friends who understand. And when we make a masterpiece, who appreciates it more? The customer or the rest of us who actually know what we are looking at? :P

The point of the forum was to be able to see attachments, configure email to suit your style, selectively read topics while not drowning in unread unwanted Yahoo mail, and connect in fellowship with other leatherworkers. That brings me to Live Chat, but I'll save that for another post of its own. I hope you enjoy participating, and don't hesitate to send me suggestions for improvements. It's your community, and you leatherworkers can have it any way you want it!


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Hi Johanna,

I actually found your site in a web search for skilled leatherworkers as we are looking to complement our Italian production with some work to be done domestically. If you do have any leads they'd be most welcome. From an employers perspective, this is a great idea. I hope to see you get some response.

Kind regards,


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Hello Johanna,

I first wanted to say thanks for creating a very cool place. This forum is calming to those of us who have been bitten by this crazy leather makin bug. I really enjoy seeing so much cool work in such a wide variety of styles and techniques. And such a diverse group of people. Very cool! I'm looking forward to posting more and more as time goes on. When does this forum have a party? You sure do make a great host.

It's been an absolutely incredible roller coaster ride these past eighteen years. I'm so glad Claudia likes to ride roller coasters. We have been gathering leather, tools, machines, and knowledge for our entire adult lifes together and couldn't be more ready than now for the world to know we exist. The last big hill for me was the learning curve to build our website. I went through Godaddy after giving up on my Dreamweaver software. Built randyandclaudia.com but I still have a long way to go. We sure could use your help in launching our site and getting it ready for sales. Thank you so much for considering. Hope this finds you having a great day. Looking forward to your reply.


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Yes, thanks for building such a great leather resource!

On the tech side; I am about to rebuild my website yet again and while I know what I want in my minds eye making that work on the computer is a whole 'nother ball of wax...

I would love a page as you speak of.


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