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Making rolled leather dog collars

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Hi folks, due to popular request, I'm trying to explore the way to machine sew rolled leather dog collars (I currently hand sew but often price prohibited in most cases)

I'm thinking it must be done using a large piping foot or similar...

I'm sure there's a easy way but just can't quite work it out, if anyone has got a set up would love to know more or photo/video even better



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I just use my right toe foot. To get a true round you need to have a rein rounder, A true round collar or what ever you will see no stitching, as you run it through the rounder it bury's the stitching

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21 hours ago, wlg190861 said:

I just use my right toe foot. To get a true round you need to have a rein rounder, A true round collar or what ever you will see no stitching, as you run it through the rounder it bury's the stitching

Many thanks for that, I think I will have a try at making one up, or getting one made up as the end results should be well worth it both visual and financially in the long term.


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