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I've just had a delivery of some lovely pigskin suede (suede both sides. It's beautiful and soft, I cant imagine a material that would feel better for lining wallets.

My question is that I'm a bit paranoid that the edges of the suede will fray or go fuzzy over time? Will this happen or will the suede hold its shape? Do I need to do something like put glue on the top of the edges or treat them somehow or will it just hold its shape?

Also when I burnish the leather edges wil this affect the suede as the burnishing tool may come into contact with it?

Thanks for any advice :-) 

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You don't want to use suede as a wallet linner  you will rip your bills trying to get them out of the wallet, you want a smooth liner.

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If you're gonna use suede you probably want to paint the edges.

Here's a long wallet made entirely of suede. I think the edges were painted.


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