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Hey Everyone!

I am currently sewing with a Singer 185K hand crank, which is perfect for what I do at the moment! I've tried doing some research but I haven't had much luck with it! 

Im currently using a #69 Nylon thread to sew with but I would like to bump up the weight. Does anyone know what this guy can handle before I order some? Im also using the Universal Heavy Duty Singer needles from WalMart because I haven't found anymore either. (I don't really have any sew or leather shops near me)

I mainly need to see if you guys have knowledge of the thread and what type of heavier needles I can get.

I also need another foot so I can sew a little thicker.

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Wow - well I'm impressed that it will sew with the #69 thread, but that would be the limit.  Since it is a 15X1 home needle system,  It wont take "bigger needles", or heavy thread.  It can use a 15x1 leather point needle that will help it a little.  It's just not designed for that. 


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Dang. Ill upgrade to a big machine eventually but I've been really impressed by this little machine. Its honestly sewn anything I've put under it. Any suggestions where I can find a replacement foot? I need one that will raise a bit higher than what I have. 

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Really the older home machines can do a great job.  But swapping out the foot still won't help you.  The irule of thumb for any machine.  If it fits under the foot you can sew it, if not you need a bigger machine. The feet swap out for different projects but they don't change the function or limits of the machine.  All the feet for that machine will still have the same lift. 

Do you have some picture examples of what your sewing?  


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