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Tandy Awl Blades

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Probably like a lot of people I began leatherworking with a Tandy Starter Set, which included the 4-in-1 awl. I quickly realised that this wasn't very satisfactory as the blade kept slipping in the haft, no matter how I tried to tighten the locking collar; and I couldn't seem to get the blade very sharp, which I put down to my inexperience.

I mounted the round blade in a fixed haft and that works well enough; after all there's not much you can do wrong with a round/scratch awl

So I got a fixed blade saddler's awl from Bowstock. I believe the blade is actually by Tandy, the same as their fixed blade awl. I also bought, mounted, and sharpened a John James saddler's awl blade.

Which leaves me with the two leaf blades left over from the 4-in-1 awl, and what to do with them. The two fixed blade awls do everything I need, so the easiest would be to just forget the Tandy blades, but I wondered - can they be turned into anything decent? I have some spare hafts, and if I worked on the Tandy blades with an oilstone and a strop for say half an hour a night over a couple of weeks would it be worth persevering?

Or are they of such poor quality that nothing useful can be made from them?

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