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Identifying Antique Saddles

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I'm new to this forum and to saddles.  Through an estate I now have 4 antique McClellan saddles plus what looks like an antique side saddle of possible Native American origin.  My ultimate interest is to sell these but first I'm interested in understanding when they were made, any model numbers, etc. 

To make identification easier, each saddle is numbered. 

Other than brass size plates on the McClellan's and saddle #8 which is discussed below, I can find no markings on any of the saddles.  3 of the McClellan's have iron stirrups and one has wood.  The iron stirrups are all marked.  Saddle #8 stirrups are marked B.B. CO US.  Saddle $5 stirrups were made by Rock Island Armory and are marked U.S.N.S. R.I.A. 1918.  Saddle #6 stirrups are also marked B.M. CO US.  Saddle #7 stirrups are wood and on the bottom of one is stamped: Spalding 1917 and K.P.

Saddle #8, one of the McClellan's, is the only one of the McClellan's upon which I could find any writing/markings other than the brass size plate.  On this saddle's cantel is stamped "Battery C '77" above which are 2 small numbers: 3 and 8.  To the immediate left of the '77 looks to be another few letters that are mostly obscured by wear.  My initial thought is this saddle was used by a soldier in the cavalry Battery C around 1877 but the '77 may be a designation for his unit which is what I suspect given this saddle looks more like a 1904 model than Indian War period saddle. On the opposite side of the cantel are more stamped/engraved letters that appear to be RTRYC below which are the numbers 3 and 8 again, just larger than on the right.

You can view photos at this photobucket link:  http://s86.photobucket.com/user/werman4u/embed/slideshow/Saddles

Thank you for your help.




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