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Hello folks,

I'm new here, but an enthusiastic reader of this forum.

As the topic title tells, I'm searching for hardware and leather suppliers in eastern europe. Does anyone of you know some ?!? My problem is, that I live in germany, and importing all the nice hardware from the US is quiet expensive for me. That was the reason why I tried to find a supplier in eastern europe or europe generally.

I searched a lot in the internet but wasn't able to find a matching company.

I'm interested in getting rivets, dees, buckles etc. I also need some new handtools, to get my future project started.

It would be nice, if anyone could help me out.



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Welcome to the forums. I believe one of our members, Don101, is based in Germany. Hopefully, he'll happen across your post before too long and be able to provide some advice regarding suppliers in your area.

Good luck! -Alex :)

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